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Another Islamic View About Honeymoon Holiday

But if them want to honeymoon, Islam is allow them to do so. This is because there are departing practices, customs and habits in Muslim societies, which analyze from universality to otherworld. As long as officialdom don't push in into the girth which is Haram (unlawful), there is no arrest on them and we say my humble self are tuft hunter to the changing requirements of society. As regards honeymooning, if a couple would tasty to relax and be far away from the distractions of family and friends, there is no harm. In accepted minutiae, we can say that Western society is aping the Muslims on this, for we have a basis for honeymooning. It is Sunnah for the newly-married couple to outlay seven days together, and it is auspicious for them to go out and appreciate this period of their avidity together to build a basis for all the trials and difficulties higher-ups will know later on.”


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